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Question: What is the proper way to store our media?

Answer: Media should be stored at 35 to 65% relative humidity and a temperature of 50° to 75° F. Keep the product in it’s original packaging (cardboard box and PE bag). The material should be stored with core plugs in place if possible.

Question: Why are lead, cadmium and other metals in PVC?

Answer: They act as a stabilizer. When PVC degrades, if forms hydrochloric acid. Once formed, the acid accelerates the PVC degradation. By including salts of various heavy metals in the PVC compound, when HCL first forms, it reacts preferentially with the heavy metal and is neutralized. Some of the replacement materials for lead and cadmium are actually MORE toxic, e.g., certain "organo-tin" compounds.

Question: Why are phthalates in PVC?

Answer: They are used as plasticizers to make the compounded PVC flexible. Without plasticizers, PVC is quite brittle (remember the old, old 45 records? Maybe you've seen them in flea-markets). The most commonly used phthalate plasticizer for PVC is called di-octyl-phthalate (DOP). Most vinyl banners use it. It is the most commonly used because (a) it works, (b) it has good resistance to UV and other forms of degradation, (c) it does not migrate out of the PVC as rapidly as some alternatives, and (d) it is cheap. It poses some health risk, but the research is subject to debate. There are other phthalates used for plasticizing PVC, e.g., di-methyl-phthalate, di-ethyl-phthalate, but the research on whether these alternatives are really safer is in debate. There are non-phthlalate compounds used as alternative plasticizers, but not in such common practice.

Question: What is the best surface type to apply this adhesive to?

Answer: Although our adhesive sticks well to smooth surfaces, application variables can hinder adhesive performance. Variables include temperature, storage, cleanliness, age of material, and type of surface. Painted, chalky, and grainy/rough surfaces often lead to poor adhesion, as do wooden products.